Client: Samilia Foundation
Agency: McCann-Erickson Belgium
I've never seen anything like this. I'm not really sure what they mean by "some people are really attached to their jobs" I know this is an awareness campaign, not really promoting a product or service. Is it the illegal transportation of people into other countries, I believe that's what it is. It looks realistic. The one with the legs is just painful to imagine. I'm not really sure how to tie it in to the message.
Client: Hanes
Agency: The Martin Agency
Any girl/woman that watches this ad can totally relate, c'mon ladies don't lie, you know you've been in a situation like this sometime in your life. I'm not sure a boy in boxers would understand. It's not an artistic ad, it gets to the point and the message is easy to understand. A bit of exaggeration, but it works for this product.

Agency: TM Advertising
Love it! I like it when ads are displayed in an unconventional way. I also love the one where the paint is spilling over the parking lot. I like this it's right in your face. I can just imagine people taking pictures on these stairs. Advertisers: Do Not Be Afraid to work with your surroundings! This seems like no place for a billboard so a cool scenery was basically painted right in! Point=made!

Client: Chilean Corporation Against Cancer
I have mixed feelings about this ad. It's nothing like the truth campaigns. This is an ad to shock you as it conveys the message. A person posted a comment about this ad saying that the child didn't have to be crying. He could have just stood there under the bag of smoke. I like the visual but it has to be large enough for you to be able to tell. When the image was small I thought it was a bad case of photoshop that tried to illustrate a plastic bag. When I enlarged it and read the copy I realized what it was. There is another ad with a different child. Looks almost the same. I wish that smokers could wake up from their stupidity...

Client: Scotch Brite
Agency: Lowe Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
There is a small series on this but this one is the best one. I didn't know that they had this brand or product in Africa, yes Egypt is in Africa) Then again its 3M, they are pretty big. "Rough to clean" for the green guy, and "soft to dry" for the girl. Cool visual. You have to be able to zoom in to see the detail. The guy is the rough side of the sponge and the yellow part is the regular spongy side. I can actually say it's a cute idea. People that do dishes get it, others don't.

Client: Rapala Fishing Equipment
Agency: Carmichael Lynch, USA
Like I said before, I am a fan of billboards. Copy: one word, Visual: easy to understand. People get the point. Of course if you want to be over analytical you will say well I don't want to go fishing for cats, I want to fish for bigger fish! And of course people who go fishing will get the dang point. The cats are too funny. Another cool thing is that "Over a few weeks more and more cats appeared around the billboard." so apparently, the kept adding more furry, or plastic friends on the billboard. I'm sure this was an eye catcher!

Client: MLK Dream Weekend
Agency: Erwin-Penland, a Hill Holliday Agency, Greenville, USA
Both of these belong to the same series. The billboard and the print ad are so simple. The message is awesome but it's not delivered in a very artistic way. These ads are not about art of course, but the print ad does look very generic. The only reason I read the copy was because I was looking for a Hill Holliday ad, not because it caught my attention.
Client: TGI Friday's
Agency: Deutsch LA
First, I apologize about the quality but it's the only one I could find. I feel like this has been done before, the awkward laughing that just it not bueno! But, I must say this actually works for this, in my opinion it's pretty funny. So the entree is $10, and the commercial is 2 years old. Now, every TGIF commercial I've seen recently is for cheaper and cheaper prices. A week ago I saw one for $5 sandwiches and salads. I wonder if Deutsch is still doing their ads. Mmm, TGIF, one of my favorites! Most restaurant commercials do show the sizzling food on the grill, not original, but it does make your mouth water. This one works.
Client: Ad Council
Agency; Mullen
The actors for this spot are awesome. I really like the way they explain that buzzed driving is drunk driving! Of course it is! Would you drive around your new born baby buzzed? No! Why, cause you are drunk driving! I wish everyone could see this ad. It might make people think just a little. Who knows, sometimes ads do have the power to change people.
Client: Susan G. Komen
Agency: Campbell Mithun
This ad reads "They can't fight for themselves".
There is another image that goes along with this campaign, it reads "They can't speak for themselves" and image is two megaphones in front of the breast. I wish women all over the world could see this and understand this message. It's true. Breast will be healthy is a women decides to take care of them. I like the visual, easy to understand with the copy. Good.
Client: Albertson's Grocery
Agency: Dailey & Associates
A grocery store commercial that does not show it's competive prices, or the fresh fruits and veggies it restocks everyday. Finally a grocery store commercial that is not in the cookie cutter formula. I can see that this may be offensive to some people which would not be good. It's a funny commercial, though it doesn't necessarily make me want to shop there. It's not brilliant but it's okay.
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