Monday, May 11, 2009
Sony Bravia
Client: Sony Bravia
Agency: Y&R Asia, Singapore
This as has the same feel as the colorful ads that have bunnies running around and paint splashing everywhere. The only reason they remind me is because SONY is using color to differentiate its product from every other TV on the plant. They only show the TV at the very end and it looks ordinary. I like this ad. I'm going to try and find the making of this ad on youtube...
A world made of money.
Agency: Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur
Client Bontrust Financial
Maybe this is totally inappropriate but we are all adults here. Definitely this ad would NOT show be shown on any American channel. But lets critic its content..(meaning the message) and the visuals (the world of money, not the sexual aspect of the ad). The animation is crisp. I have never seen money be used in that way. Music goes with the time period that the ad portrays and the tag line hits it right on.."make your money grow with us." This ad is quite a memorable one so I'm sure Bontrust is really getting through the "clutter" in Denmark.
Friday, May 8, 2009
New Zealand Radio
Agency:Clemenger BBDO, Wellington
Client: New Zealand Radio
Basically they want to tell the audience that the radio sounds like the taste of fruit cake. At least, that's what I understand. The visual is appealing, mouthwatering, I wonder if it makes the people that look at this actually listen to the radio, I don't think so, but maybe it just serves as a way to give the viewer a visual to remember the radio next time the hop into their car. This is what they said:
"Radio New Zealand is completely independent, so it’s free to speak with the same voice as its listeners. Clemenger BBDO New Zealand brought this voice to life by creating ten model radios, each using unique elements of New Zealand culture. Meticulously crafted by Weta workshop, the radios feature in print and TV. A travelling exhibition of these incredible models is planned, along with digital applications to take Radio New Zealand to more listeners across New Zealand and the world."
Smirnoff Tea Party
Agency:BBH New York
Client: Smirnoff
This ad is hilarious. I think it would totally hit the target market at joke..The ad actually tells you the flavors they make. I love the way they make fun of themselves. This ad is screaming stereotypes, and although sometimes they can go overboard, I think this particular ad used just the right formula. I wonder why SMU students would think of this ad...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Agency: BBH New York
Client: Vaseline
This ad is cool...creepy...a little bit of both. So what they say about skin is true. It protects, regenerates, heal, and all that good stuff. I think it's a cool visual because they actually use humans to show you and tell you about your skin. There isn't really any close ups with I thought was strange. This ad is creepy because if you don't listen to the audio, it's just a bunch of naked people, making figures, doing strange things. I like it, but I still think its creepy. Pretty risky for airing at anytime of the day.
National Geographic
Client: National Geographic
I like the approach that TBWA took on this ad for National Geographic. It's interesting to see that they didn't just select a scenery that would look like photography out of the magazine. This is a 45 sec spot, I wonder if in New Delhi that is more common. This ad has a message, it's more about the animals in this ad, instead of the places that National Geographic would visit. I like the explosion of the visuals.
Agency: Deutsch NY
Client: IKEA
This guerilla campaign extended al over Brooklyn to announce the grand opening of IKEA in the area. I think this is a really good campaign because IKEA highlight the way they deliver their products in a huge visual way. People were able to walk inside the big box which was set up as a room inside. It was open to the public when IKEA opened as well. Before then, it was a big brown box. Clever idea.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Large Independents
1. Dentsu
Agency: Dentsu Argentina
Client:Banco Itaú - Carteles
Signs above the people state something about them.
Pilot-"I used to be afraid of heights."
Guy with the elderly lady-"My granny taught me to walk"
Two guys-"This is my best friend" with the arrow pointing at each other
Pool-"I can swim underwater for 2 1/2 minutes without air"
Lady Helping-"I have 3 brothers"
Teacher-"My mom raised 8 kids"
"When you are proud of something you want everyone to know, that is what we do, we are proud to be your bank"
Critic: It intersting to me that commercials in Spanish have English music. I like the flow of the commercial and the signs are made to have the "homemade" type look, which seems to be the point; that each person made their sign so they could carry around a message they are proud of.
2. Weiden + Kennedy
Agency: Weiden + Kennedy
Client: Lurpak
Critic: This campaign launched this year, the story goes that Lurpak wasn't so hot in the butter isle, so Weiden + Kennedy decided to launch a campaign that sent out the message to 'respect your food', to 'give it the best' attitude. I think this commercial does make the mushrooms mouthwatering (i am a mushroom fan), and it adds anticipation, when you don't actually see the guy at the end put the mushroom in his mouth, kinda leaves you wondering about the taste he is about to indulge on, all because of this Lurpak butter they speak of, definitely not the typical butter add.
3. Bartle Bogle Hergarty
Agency: Neogama/BBH São Paulo
Client: Renault
Need a bigger car? Get a renault. The song says not to suffer, that you need to breathe, you are too tight in your car. The commercial show the car just like any other car ad, but I like the way they make their point; that you need a bigger car. I also liked that they used people of different racial backgrounds, at least thats what it looked like. I guess Brazil is diverse.
4. Richard's Group
Agency: The Richards Group
Client: Hyundai
So these Pilobulous people are a Connecticut-based company of choreographers and dancer-athletes. They seem to have done other ads througout
5. Cramer Krasselt
Client: Steve Madden
Agency: Cramer Krasselt
Ever since I was in middle school I have seen these ads in seventeen and cosmo girl. I always thought they looked a big creepy with such the distortion. I don't even understand the style of the ad. Yea, its about the brand and the shoes, but the way they portray the young girl is not necessarily helping the cause for more responsible advertising. I guess all these years C K has been doing these ads. And I still see them around, there are so many kids of these. It's a style that steve madden is known for. I could describe this ad without naming the brand and I'm sure any girl plugged in to fashion could tell who advertises like this. Honeslty, I don't like these ads.
6. Doner
Client: Bellwood Health Services
Agency: Doner Canada, Toronto, Canada
The art direction is done very well. Again, like other images, there is nothing like zooming in to a quality image so that you can appreciate the detail. There is a 3rd one part of the series with a man smoking a rolled up deck of card, it just looked silly.
The all read "Gambling, its just as addictive" I think this is an excellent print ad for Bellwood. Sends it's message to those whose eyes comes across this ad.
Agency: Dentsu Argentina
Client:Banco Itaú - Carteles
Signs above the people state something about them.
Pilot-"I used to be afraid of heights."
Guy with the elderly lady-"My granny taught me to walk"
Two guys-"This is my best friend" with the arrow pointing at each other
Pool-"I can swim underwater for 2 1/2 minutes without air"
Lady Helping-"I have 3 brothers"
Teacher-"My mom raised 8 kids"
"When you are proud of something you want everyone to know, that is what we do, we are proud to be your bank"
Critic: It intersting to me that commercials in Spanish have English music. I like the flow of the commercial and the signs are made to have the "homemade" type look, which seems to be the point; that each person made their sign so they could carry around a message they are proud of.
2. Weiden + Kennedy
Agency: Weiden + Kennedy
Client: Lurpak
Critic: This campaign launched this year, the story goes that Lurpak wasn't so hot in the butter isle, so Weiden + Kennedy decided to launch a campaign that sent out the message to 'respect your food', to 'give it the best' attitude. I think this commercial does make the mushrooms mouthwatering (i am a mushroom fan), and it adds anticipation, when you don't actually see the guy at the end put the mushroom in his mouth, kinda leaves you wondering about the taste he is about to indulge on, all because of this Lurpak butter they speak of, definitely not the typical butter add.
3. Bartle Bogle Hergarty
Agency: Neogama/BBH São Paulo
Client: Renault
Need a bigger car? Get a renault. The song says not to suffer, that you need to breathe, you are too tight in your car. The commercial show the car just like any other car ad, but I like the way they make their point; that you need a bigger car. I also liked that they used people of different racial backgrounds, at least thats what it looked like. I guess Brazil is diverse.
4. Richard's Group
Agency: The Richards Group
Client: Hyundai
So these Pilobulous people are a Connecticut-based company of choreographers and dancer-athletes. They seem to have done other ads througout
5. Cramer Krasselt
Client: Steve Madden
Agency: Cramer Krasselt
Ever since I was in middle school I have seen these ads in seventeen and cosmo girl. I always thought they looked a big creepy with such the distortion. I don't even understand the style of the ad. Yea, its about the brand and the shoes, but the way they portray the young girl is not necessarily helping the cause for more responsible advertising. I guess all these years C K has been doing these ads. And I still see them around, there are so many kids of these. It's a style that steve madden is known for. I could describe this ad without naming the brand and I'm sure any girl plugged in to fashion could tell who advertises like this. Honeslty, I don't like these ads.
6. Doner
Client: Bellwood Health Services
Agency: Doner Canada, Toronto, Canada
The art direction is done very well. Again, like other images, there is nothing like zooming in to a quality image so that you can appreciate the detail. There is a 3rd one part of the series with a man smoking a rolled up deck of card, it just looked silly.
The all read "Gambling, its just as addictive" I think this is an excellent print ad for Bellwood. Sends it's message to those whose eyes comes across this ad.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Client: Tyson
Agency: Arnold Worldwide
The print is very simple, you get the point looking at the ad and seeing the brand. Any rational mother would understand that this literally would not happen by feeding their family Tyson. I like this ad because it's simple, besides the obvious exaggeration I think it does a clear job of delivering the message.
Client: Chivas
Agency: Euro RSCG
I think this is an inspirational beer commercial. Most beer commercials show the an icy cold bottle with droplets of water running down, but this one is different. I like that they really aimed at their target market in a good way. It's got action but the kinds that gets your attention. It is inspiring, I like this one because it gives the brand a personality.
Client: Coldwell Banker
Agency: Mckinney Durham USA
Connection! This ad links the message to the viewers. "More than the house, its the home inside" What a message that any family can associate with. It's a simple visual, just front views of so many different types of houses. So they want to let you know that Coldwell can help you make any house your home by using their services. I really like their tag line at the end. It's a commercial about branding Coldwell and connecting with the audience.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Publicis Groupe
Client: Asian Film Festival/ ORANGE
Agency:Publicis Conseil, France
I don't think I've ever seen someone eat popcorn with chopsticks, cool way to tie in the message. Asian=chopsticks, Popcorn=movie. Cool way to remember the asian film festival. The art work is really good, the bigger the image, the more details you can see in the advertisement.
Client: Corrado Mattresses
Agency: Saatchi ITALY
I thought that the ad was for a public service announcement on runaway kids or kidnapping, or something like the AMBER alert system. But, I was totally wrong, so did the parent fall asleep while they were writing this message with the cigarettes? That's the only connection that I can make. The art direction is really cool. Supposedly, they used no computers to compose this, so that is the only cool thing about it. To me, cigarettes are disgusting and I just think that the imagery could be used for a completely different type of ad, and could have have worked. As for this one, it is terrible, cigarettes and mattresses, not a good pair. But, I dunno, maybe in Italy it worked.
Client: You guessed it, McDonald's
Agency: Leo Burnett, New Delhi, India
I remember seeing this for the first time a few months ago, I thought, "What does the mother look like." This looks a little bit creepy, clown child. Everyone knows who Ronald McDonald is so there is no confusing who this child belongs to. Cute way to send the message out that there is a new location. New baby=New location. I see how they thought that would work. Cool idea. I wonder what people in the US would think, they probably would start creating the actual doll. I can just imagine. THe baby looks like there was too much photoshop. They should have paid a mother big dollars to let her child be body painted as the Ronald baby...
Client: Holliday Inn Express
Agency: Fallon Minneapolis
Friends, just stay in at a Holiday Inn Express and you will get smarter somehow. The other one that belongs to this series is a women giving birth, and the baby grabs the scissors and cuts the umbilical cord. She says, we did stay at a Holiday Inn 9 months ago. Honestly the rapping was entertaining for just a brief moment but they don't really show anything great about the hotel. They don't even show the inside of the hotels, or the puffy pillows or the clean sheets you would be sleeping in. But I'll stop complaining, at least it's not the typical cookie cutter ad.
Client: Trojan
Agency; Kaplan Thaler Group
Not everyone is a fan of roller coasters, but what a great way to bring you a message about condoms. I've seen this ad in cosmopolitan, totally fits in that magazine. I wonder if it goes along with a series. I know that the ad is supposed to look sort of like a fantasy, but it just doesn't look realistic, then again, a roller coaster shaped like is not real anyway. Short and simple copy, easy to understand. I like this ad because both men and women understand the idea. Go trojan!
Client: Boost Mobile
Agency: Team One Advertising
I found another ad with the elderly gone wild. I wonder how much they pay the actors in these ads! I can't believe these old people, they just look hilarious. I am not really a Boost Mobile fan but I know that they do go for young people. It's more expensive that other big companies like AT&T and Sprint. The real ad is in very good quality, and the women knows her script, but she was definitely trying too hard. An ad that would entertain a teenager for sure.
Client: Samilia Foundation
Agency: McCann-Erickson Belgium
I've never seen anything like this. I'm not really sure what they mean by "some people are really attached to their jobs" I know this is an awareness campaign, not really promoting a product or service. Is it the illegal transportation of people into other countries, I believe that's what it is. It looks realistic. The one with the legs is just painful to imagine. I'm not really sure how to tie it in to the message.
Client: Hanes
Agency: The Martin Agency
Any girl/woman that watches this ad can totally relate, c'mon ladies don't lie, you know you've been in a situation like this sometime in your life. I'm not sure a boy in boxers would understand. It's not an artistic ad, it gets to the point and the message is easy to understand. A bit of exaggeration, but it works for this product.
Agency: TM Advertising
Love it! I like it when ads are displayed in an unconventional way. I also love the one where the paint is spilling over the parking lot. I like this it's right in your face. I can just imagine people taking pictures on these stairs. Advertisers: Do Not Be Afraid to work with your surroundings! This seems like no place for a billboard so a cool scenery was basically painted right in! Point=made!
Client: Chilean Corporation Against Cancer
I have mixed feelings about this ad. It's nothing like the truth campaigns. This is an ad to shock you as it conveys the message. A person posted a comment about this ad saying that the child didn't have to be crying. He could have just stood there under the bag of smoke. I like the visual but it has to be large enough for you to be able to tell. When the image was small I thought it was a bad case of photoshop that tried to illustrate a plastic bag. When I enlarged it and read the copy I realized what it was. There is another ad with a different child. Looks almost the same. I wish that smokers could wake up from their stupidity...
Client: Scotch Brite
Agency: Lowe Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
There is a small series on this but this one is the best one. I didn't know that they had this brand or product in Africa, yes Egypt is in Africa) Then again its 3M, they are pretty big. "Rough to clean" for the green guy, and "soft to dry" for the girl. Cool visual. You have to be able to zoom in to see the detail. The guy is the rough side of the sponge and the yellow part is the regular spongy side. I can actually say it's a cute idea. People that do dishes get it, others don't.
Client: Rapala Fishing Equipment
Agency: Carmichael Lynch, USA
Like I said before, I am a fan of billboards. Copy: one word, Visual: easy to understand. People get the point. Of course if you want to be over analytical you will say well I don't want to go fishing for cats, I want to fish for bigger fish! And of course people who go fishing will get the dang point. The cats are too funny. Another cool thing is that "Over a few weeks more and more cats appeared around the billboard." so apparently, the kept adding more furry, or plastic friends on the billboard. I'm sure this was an eye catcher!
Client: MLK Dream Weekend
Agency: Erwin-Penland, a Hill Holliday Agency, Greenville, USA
Both of these belong to the same series. The billboard and the print ad are so simple. The message is awesome but it's not delivered in a very artistic way. These ads are not about art of course, but the print ad does look very generic. The only reason I read the copy was because I was looking for a Hill Holliday ad, not because it caught my attention.
Client: TGI Friday's
Agency: Deutsch LA
First, I apologize about the quality but it's the only one I could find. I feel like this has been done before, the awkward laughing that just it not bueno! But, I must say this actually works for this, in my opinion it's pretty funny. So the entree is $10, and the commercial is 2 years old. Now, every TGIF commercial I've seen recently is for cheaper and cheaper prices. A week ago I saw one for $5 sandwiches and salads. I wonder if Deutsch is still doing their ads. Mmm, TGIF, one of my favorites! Most restaurant commercials do show the sizzling food on the grill, not original, but it does make your mouth water. This one works.
Client: Ad Council
Agency; Mullen
The actors for this spot are awesome. I really like the way they explain that buzzed driving is drunk driving! Of course it is! Would you drive around your new born baby buzzed? No! Why, cause you are drunk driving! I wish everyone could see this ad. It might make people think just a little. Who knows, sometimes ads do have the power to change people.
Client: Susan G. Komen
Agency: Campbell Mithun
This ad reads "They can't fight for themselves".
There is another image that goes along with this campaign, it reads "They can't speak for themselves" and image is two megaphones in front of the breast. I wish women all over the world could see this and understand this message. It's true. Breast will be healthy is a women decides to take care of them. I like the visual, easy to understand with the copy. Good.
Client: Albertson's Grocery
Agency: Dailey & Associates
A grocery store commercial that does not show it's competive prices, or the fresh fruits and veggies it restocks everyday. Finally a grocery store commercial that is not in the cookie cutter formula. I can see that this may be offensive to some people which would not be good. It's a funny commercial, though it doesn't necessarily make me want to shop there. It's not brilliant but it's okay.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
WPP Group
Client: Fevicol Adhesive
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather
This ad doesn't show the product or the use of the product. Basically, its up to a rational person to figure out that a Fevicol Adhesive is a product that will glue things together, no matter the needed capacity. Interesting idea. I've never heard of this product but it looks like its used somewhere in the middle east or africa. I like the music they selected for the ad. It just gives the ad a final touch somehow.
Client: Sears
Agency: Y&R
At first I thought it was the evolution of bugs or plants in a forest. I like the calming nature of this ad. It's like its a whole new way to look at nature. It looks a bit futuristic in a sense that it looks robotic, and animated. I think it's creative in the way they incorporated tools and products that are used to keep a backyard looking sharp. Neat idea.
Client: Knorr
Agency: JWT Argentina
This ad totally connects with the latin target market. The central message is that "every meal is an opportunity." The kids in this ad basically point out a benefit of talking with their families at dinner. The first kid says "I can learn to speak better" another girl says "I can tell my mom about my boyfriend". Basically this ad revolves around the family which is the main core value in latin american countries. If this ad was aired in America on Spanish channels it would benefit Knorr. My mom uses Knorr but honestly, I don't think its because of the commercials, but simply because it is a good product.
Client: T Booth
Agency: Grey CANADA
I like this commercial because they advertising the simplicity of the product by using an elderly women. I think some people could be offended because it's sterotyping the elderly with dementia. This ad is a little hard to understand and even the one that is official on the Web site. It sounds like jibberish during most of the time. I also don't like the obvious turns at the end of the ad. I know the old lady is about to cross the street, but she's old, she can't turn her head so fast. I still like the ad.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Kill the Gun
Client: Choice FM
Agency: AMV BBDO
This ad doesn't need to show the last few frames of the kids head blowing up to show people what would happen. Anyone capable of an imagination can visualize in an instant what would happen to the kids head as a bullet would impact. Message is understood with no copy, it's the cause that they display at the end.
Agency: DDB
There is research that proves that kids imitate what they do on TV. Now, I had to take a close look at the ad, the gun is actually made of legos. So, that would make a parent think "Why the heck am I going to buy legos for my kid if that's what they are going to do?" I think this is a terrible ad. The copy says "kids shouldn't watch too much TV, and duh everyone knows that. The issue the should have looked at was the quality of TV kids watch. This ad in no way brings lego into a good like...shame on you DDB. And by the way the locker in the background is from IKEA...100% sure%
Agency:TBWA\NEBOKO, Amstelveen, The Netherlands
A beer commercial I actually like. No product attributes, just a bunch of men in love with the heineken and the walk-in fridge. I would like a closet like the women's though...I must dream on.
Client: MTV
Agency: 180 Amsterdam
Not the typical ad I would like because I'm not a big fan of animation, well at least this type of animation. In my opinion it does a good job of speaking to the MTV crowd. Well, my 15 year old brother was entertained briefly so, it's good. Cool way to present the message to "Switch", other ad agencies also contributed to this campaign. There is a whole series on "Switch"
Client:HP TouchSmart PC: Maestro
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco
Apple beat that! I'm a PC until I can afford to be a MAC, anyways, this touch smart PC looks pretty cool. It does remind me of an apple commercial, maybe its the whole screen thing and the visuals. Basically the role off the main product attribute, that it's a touch screen. Cool puffery.
Client: Nationwide
Agency: Dieste...yes, they shortened the name and chopped off Harmel & Partners.
Simple little ad, looks like someone just recorded it with they home video camera, but that's the point. Don't talk and drive, I like that. I wish everyone in America could watch this ad. True story the way people drive while on the phone. I must say I am responsible as well for such behavior, but I promise to work on. Back to the critic, Dieste has done some other work for Nationwide using a completely different approach. This ad serves more like a public service announcement. Maybe it Nationwide!
Agency: GSD&M Idea City, Austin, USA
I'm a fan of billboards. Yes, I like the "no more than 7 words" rule for billboards, and it's true. I've proven this advertising rule by nearly getting into accidents on Central Expressway several times. I am easily angered by the dummies that write an entire paragraph on billboards. I like this one. Anyone looking at this can get the point. Go yellowpages! I wonder if the holes are real, well maybe its just photoshop. Whatever, I like it.
Client: ActiveLife
Agency: LatinWorks
My dearest Barbie, what have they done to you? Seriously, this ad totally looks fake. They should have manufactured a real obese doll. I like the idea, I like the way they are showing you the message. So, does this mean that little girls will get fat playing barbie dolls? Yea, nope don't think so. I changed my mind, I don't like this ad, disrespect to the doll and my eyes with this obvious photoshop work. I don't mind a chubby barbie, just don't fake it, make a real fat barbie. I bet it's cheaper than the photoshop too.
Modern day slavery needs modern day Abes. There are more slaves today than at any other time in history. Join the new abolitionist movement at
Agency: Martin | WIlliams
They have 2 other ad that look like this. The other are with the guys but they don't look as fake as this one. Does look like abe but the should made a hat to go along to, or maybe that would have been a bit much. Campaign launched in January of 2008. Have not heard of it, I wonder what happen during the year. It's an okay ad. Other than Ad Lit, I've never heard of Martin Williams.
Client: Choice FM
Agency: AMV BBDO
This ad doesn't need to show the last few frames of the kids head blowing up to show people what would happen. Anyone capable of an imagination can visualize in an instant what would happen to the kids head as a bullet would impact. Message is understood with no copy, it's the cause that they display at the end.
Agency: DDB
There is research that proves that kids imitate what they do on TV. Now, I had to take a close look at the ad, the gun is actually made of legos. So, that would make a parent think "Why the heck am I going to buy legos for my kid if that's what they are going to do?" I think this is a terrible ad. The copy says "kids shouldn't watch too much TV, and duh everyone knows that. The issue the should have looked at was the quality of TV kids watch. This ad in no way brings lego into a good like...shame on you DDB. And by the way the locker in the background is from IKEA...100% sure%
Agency:TBWA\NEBOKO, Amstelveen, The Netherlands
A beer commercial I actually like. No product attributes, just a bunch of men in love with the heineken and the walk-in fridge. I would like a closet like the women's though...I must dream on.
Client: MTV
Agency: 180 Amsterdam
Not the typical ad I would like because I'm not a big fan of animation, well at least this type of animation. In my opinion it does a good job of speaking to the MTV crowd. Well, my 15 year old brother was entertained briefly so, it's good. Cool way to present the message to "Switch", other ad agencies also contributed to this campaign. There is a whole series on "Switch"
Client:HP TouchSmart PC: Maestro
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco
Apple beat that! I'm a PC until I can afford to be a MAC, anyways, this touch smart PC looks pretty cool. It does remind me of an apple commercial, maybe its the whole screen thing and the visuals. Basically the role off the main product attribute, that it's a touch screen. Cool puffery.
Client: Nationwide
Agency: Dieste...yes, they shortened the name and chopped off Harmel & Partners.
Simple little ad, looks like someone just recorded it with they home video camera, but that's the point. Don't talk and drive, I like that. I wish everyone in America could watch this ad. True story the way people drive while on the phone. I must say I am responsible as well for such behavior, but I promise to work on. Back to the critic, Dieste has done some other work for Nationwide using a completely different approach. This ad serves more like a public service announcement. Maybe it Nationwide!
Agency: GSD&M Idea City, Austin, USA
I'm a fan of billboards. Yes, I like the "no more than 7 words" rule for billboards, and it's true. I've proven this advertising rule by nearly getting into accidents on Central Expressway several times. I am easily angered by the dummies that write an entire paragraph on billboards. I like this one. Anyone looking at this can get the point. Go yellowpages! I wonder if the holes are real, well maybe its just photoshop. Whatever, I like it.
Client: ActiveLife
Agency: LatinWorks
My dearest Barbie, what have they done to you? Seriously, this ad totally looks fake. They should have manufactured a real obese doll. I like the idea, I like the way they are showing you the message. So, does this mean that little girls will get fat playing barbie dolls? Yea, nope don't think so. I changed my mind, I don't like this ad, disrespect to the doll and my eyes with this obvious photoshop work. I don't mind a chubby barbie, just don't fake it, make a real fat barbie. I bet it's cheaper than the photoshop too.
Modern day slavery needs modern day Abes. There are more slaves today than at any other time in history. Join the new abolitionist movement at
Agency: Martin | WIlliams
They have 2 other ad that look like this. The other are with the guys but they don't look as fake as this one. Does look like abe but the should made a hat to go along to, or maybe that would have been a bit much. Campaign launched in January of 2008. Have not heard of it, I wonder what happen during the year. It's an okay ad. Other than Ad Lit, I've never heard of Martin Williams.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
3 Best 3 Worst & Agencies
The Worst
Agency: Arnell Group, NY
SoBe, did they really think people would get thirsty for this beverage..yuck...okay, so maybe it's slightly funny, I'd say a -3 out of a scale 1-10.
Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day
Seriously, it's pitiful that this is even considered a commercial . It's pretty sad that valuable advertising dollars have to wasted like this...I thought their new campaign was every generation refreshes the world...okay customers...get blown up when you think it's time for a pepsi!
Doritos and employees with a crystal ball
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners (Embedding disabled by request)
Does this ad make Doritos any more appetizing..does it let the consumer know anything...does Doritos look its just a waste of time and money...this gets no score on my funny scale.
The Best
CocaCola Insects take bottle of coke from a sleeping guy.
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy in Portland
They just keep doing it...that little good feeling you get after you watch a coke commercial.
Agency: Arnell Group, NY
SoBe, did they really think people would get thirsty for this beverage..yuck...okay, so maybe it's slightly funny, I'd say a -3 out of a scale 1-10.
Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day
Seriously, it's pitiful that this is even considered a commercial . It's pretty sad that valuable advertising dollars have to wasted like this...I thought their new campaign was every generation refreshes the world...okay customers...get blown up when you think it's time for a pepsi!
Doritos and employees with a crystal ball
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners (Embedding disabled by request)
Does this ad make Doritos any more appetizing..does it let the consumer know anything...does Doritos look its just a waste of time and money...this gets no score on my funny scale.
The Best
CocaCola Insects take bottle of coke from a sleeping guy.
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy in Portland
They just keep doing it...that little good feeling you get after you watch a coke commercial.
Monday, January 26, 2009
L'art de advertising
I've shown this ad to friends and family that aren't ad people and they think its pretty cool. I think its art because of its unique angles and context. Its real, yet not reality. I liked the whole experience of watching the ad.
Louis Vuitton-TV
Agency: Ogilvy Paris Creative
This ad is a short film about what a journey is. I think the copy is excellent. It made me think about what I believe a journey is, inspiring. They only show the brand about 2 times in
I've shown this ad to friends and family that aren't ad people and they think its pretty cool. I think its art because of its unique angles and context. Its real, yet not reality. I liked the whole experience of watching the ad.
Louis Vuitton-TV
Agency: Ogilvy Paris Creative
This ad is a short film about what a journey is. I think the copy is excellent. It made me think about what I believe a journey is, inspiring. They only show the brand about 2 times in
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