Wednesday, February 27, 2008
West Side Story & The GAP
AT & T & everything else

One of my favorite songs titled We Live We Love by Superchick. In the song the talk about a man who waits for his medical test to see if the cancer has spread yet. Then he asks himself why did he wait to live till it was time to die. I think that some people when they approach death wish they would have done things differently in life. I think that some people don't value life like they should. We have one life on this earth, only one, and there is so many careless, reckless and hurtful people in the world. I believe that there is a heaven and there is hell, the way that our world is I have to believe there is something better. I don't want to let the years go by without doing things that I want to do. One of my biggest dreams was to come to SMU and I'm living it now. I value my education. I value my family and friends, what could be more important on this earth than them? I also think that there is a lot of people that live mediocre lives. If everyone did their best at the things they were best at our society and world as a whole would be so much different. There are people or all ages and all cultures that press forward with the best that they have, that; is a waste of life.
The Lofts at SMU opening in 2010


Monday, February 25, 2008
Pennies = 80 Million Dollars

Doomsday Artic Seed Vault

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Louis Vuitton Commerical
The Toyota Touch, Literally.
This Toyota commercial is actually pretty creepy. They don't show any characteristics and actually alter much of a the simple things a car has. I don't think this commercial makes people want to buy this vehicle, it was pretty interesting to watch, made my 13 year old brother laugh. I tried to pause the video and on the part where it was parking, and if I'm correct its a silver smartcar. The guy in the video also must have been driving for a long time before he got to his destination because he the showed the light features at the end. I don't even know what culture their aiming this commercial at. The statement at the end is in English, and I know the car is imported from Japan, and everyone in the ad seemed Asian. The driver really had a hands on experience!
Smartcar Crash
I really like the smartcar but after I saw this video all I can hear in the background is my dad saying it not big enough of a car to protect from a collision. I don't think I would get this car after seeing this video. If the dummies can out with broken everything, can you imagine what a human's body would be left like after the an accident. I saw other videos after I saw this one, but this one was probably the worst. Like that famous saying, one should expect the worst but hope for the best. I can relate that to a car collision because sometimes is completely out of one's reach or control. If you have a bigger car to protect you from the impact, its probably a safer way to go. The video is not in English but the images speak for themselves!
Y > ST

I don't think anyone in Dallas has ever heard of Young Street. Its a show hosted by Angelique Tege and Henry Guerrero. This show is targeted to people 18 to maybe late 30's. Angelique and Henry go around Dallas trying new restaurants, clubs, bars, boutiques, music events, and other entertainment destinations. Overall I think the show has a really cool concept. They even have a blog on I see so much potential in this show, but to be honest, I don't see it lasting very long. It has good content but I feel like in needs to be presented with more energy. The host are not bad but they seem to present as reporters and I don't think thats the way it should be. I think the show is a great idea but it needs more umph. It needs to be pumped with energy like I mentioned before. If I was the producer or director I would choose different hosts. I would use a a different layout for their logo. The one above is their current. I like the Y>ST but not the designs they used. Young Street airs on Sundays at 5:00. I think it only last 30 minutes. And last but not least, I want to mention they totally are missing the advertising concept. Perhaps they have never heard of it. I am an avid wfaa watcher, for news and other shows. The only reason I know about Young Street is because I check out their website constantly. I hope that this show can evolve and capture its target market, otherwise its not going to make it into the digital era of television.
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Obama Rally

Obama talked about uniting our country and I can totally see he shadows Martin Luther King Jr. in the things that he says. Reunion Arena was almost a full house, according to wfaa more than 15,000 attended.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
$2,000 Mansion

Sunday, February 17, 2008
simply water

If I take a shower in the morning, it wakes me up. And at night, I sleep like a baby. Sometimes on Sunday morning I'm not considerate and take too long in the shower and leave hardly any hot water for my family (we only have one hot water heater in my house). Then, sometimes, I'm the last one shower and after a few minutes under the hot water, a burst of icy water pours over me. I know that I have taken things in life for granted, water is one of them. I don't ever think "hey this bottled water is actually a luxury, people in other places of the world don't even have tap." In some countries there is a scarcity of potable water, yet here in America we have plenty to water grass between the roads. Clean clear water at the turn of a knob, seems like such a simple thing. But in reality, we are so lucky.
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008
Still modern in 2038?

All the new contrstrution that I've seen around the Dallas area seems to have the same modern accents. Marble floors, stainless steel walls and doors, rectangle windows all different sizes. Just take a look down Knox or Victory Park. New buildings to me all looks like brothers and sisters. Nothing too original has caught my eye. I'm not bashing on the architecture, in fact I think its really cool. But have you ever stop to wonder what you'll think about these buildings in 20-30 years. My question is how long does something modern look modern to your eye? 1 year? 5 years? I dunno, I guess I'll just have to find 30 years.
Friday, February 1, 2008